
Friday, December 16, 2011

Emotions and health

Emotions and health
By patricia and ron deutsch

“For two months i’ve had these spells,”Fran Wilson told the heart specialist . “I get short of breath. My herd beats like a hammer and unevenly. I’m dizzy and i tremble .My chest hurts.Twice i’ve doctor says that mt blood pressure and electorcardiogram are abnormal.”
“Was there any upset in your routine before the spells  be-gan?” the specialist asked.
“My husband was transferred to arizona,” said fran . “I  stayed behind to let the chidren finish the school year .since he left ,I haven’t slept well. Do you think fatigue brought out my heart trouble?”
I suspect we’ll find,” said the specialist, that you don’t have heart trouble at all. I suspect that your illness is caused by emotion.”
Although the doctor proved correct, fran was not imagining her ailments.Nor was she mentally ill in the usual sense of the phrase.Emotional stress can produce real illness—true changes in the body chemistry and structure of quite normal people.And this phenomenon is amazingly common.Many specialists agree that psysicians hane long known that the mind could make the body ill.But they did not know how to differentiate between psysically caused illness and that caused by emotional stress.
Today answers to this problem are beginning to appear. And many doctors are using this new infornation as regularly as they emoloy their stethoscopes and tongue depressors .
    Fran wilson’s case illustrates one of the easiest means of recognizing such ills: identifying characteristic clusters of physical symptoms which often point to emmon cluster called neu-rocirculatory asthenia the heart specialist tried a simple test. For two minutes he had her breathe deeply and rapidly. She grew dizzy . her heart pounded . she gasped that she was having an attack.

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